The Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council has since 1981 produced many articles, commentaries, reports, books, briefs and learning materials on subjects of interest to its Council Members.
This section of our website, profiles some current publications produced under the auspices of one of our five forums. For older printed titles not available in PDF format, such as “Our Land the Maritimes”, “Koqaja’taqatinen Vol 1 & 2”, “Powley Decision Regional Messaging Report”, and others, please direct inquires to the Director, noted in contact us.
2017 Aboriginal Review Videos
Mawqatmuti’kw Journal
Mawqatmuti’kw (We All Live Together) is a journal published jointly by IKANAWTIKET Environmental Incorporated and the Maritime Aboriginal Aquatic Resources Secretariate (MAARS). Mawqatmuti’kw is produced and available to donors, sponsors and citizens interested about Mother Earth and efforts made to learn and respect our living Environment.
Mawqatmuti’kw, is also produced to feature articles and information about MAARS work to promote Aboriginal fishing, knowledge about aquatic resources, ocean management, governance and collaborative partnerships
Subscriptions are free on request and issues are archived here in PDF format.
Other Publications
The Research Report ‘The Environmental History of Five Watersheds in Nova Scotia’ may be used solely for the purpose of; policy development, research, study, review, awareness, commentary, or news summary, with appropriate acknowledgement to the research author, Abbie Martyn, Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council Five Watersheds Project; a recipient of the Oceans Protection Plan, Coastal Restoration Fund.
A Vision for Eco-Centrism; Overshadowed by a Homo-Centric Compulsion
Views on the adoption and implementation of a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Prepared by: Joshua McNeely, Carly Weber, Vanessa Mitchell, Bryan Martin, Jesse MacDonald, Dan Jewell, Kathryn Townsend, Zachary Burrows, Chelsey Whalen, Blake McNeely, and Abby MacLeod
March 2021
Petkoutkoyek Statement On the Access, Use, and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising Out of the Utilization of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge in Canada.
Promulgated at Petitcodiac (PETKOUTKOYEK), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada on October 16, 2015
Iskenisk Declaration on the Access, Use, and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising Out of the Utilization of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge in Canada
Signed at ISKENISK, Mi’kma’ki, Canada on March 28, 2011
National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk Case Study on Consultation, Accommodation and Cooperation with Aboriginal Peoples Undertaken by Environment Canada in Regard to the Boreal Woodland Caribou, and by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Regard to the Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon and American Eel; and Identification of Gaps and Suggestions to Increase the Level of Aboriginal Participation in the Species at Risk Act
Proposed Addition of the Atlantic Salmon, Gaspé-Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Population to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk under the Species at Risk Act
A Noted Accumulation of Infringements on Aboriginal and Treaty Rights at a Regional Level Requiring Accommodation and the Full and Effective Participation of the Traditional Ancestral Homelands Aboriginal Peoples Henceforth
2020 Biodiversity Goals & Targets for Canada are Deficient [English]
Aboriginal Peoples Perspectives on Canada’s National 2020 Biodiversity Goals & Targets

Les buts et les objectifs du Canada en matière de diversité biologique d’ici 2020 sont insatisfaisants [Français]
Les buts et les objectifs du Canada en matière de diversité biologique d’ici 2020 sont insatisfaisants [Français]
Les perspectives des peuples autochtones sur les buts et objectifs du Canada en matière de diversité biologique d’ici 2020
Las Metas y Objetivos de Biodiversidad de Canadá 2020 son Deficientes [Español]
Perspectivas de los Pueblos Aborígenes sobre las Metas y Objetivos de Biodiversidad de Canadá 2020
2020 Biodiversity Goals & Targets for Canada are Deficient [Arabic]
Aboriginal Peoples Perspectives on Canada’s National 2020 Biodiversity Goals & Targets
2020 Biodiversitätsziele & Zielgruppen für Kanada sind mangelhaft [Deutsch]
Perspektiven der indigenen Völker über Kanadas nationale Biodiversitätsziele und -zielgruppen für 2020
Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol within Canada – English
Mise en oeuvre du Protocole de Nagoya au Canada – French
Implementación del Protocolo de Nagoya en Canadá – Spanish
Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Sustainable Use and Protection Act
Policy Critique of the Draft Species at Risk Act Overarching Policy Framework – January 2011
Reply Commentary on the Draft National Framework for Canada’s Network of Marine Protected Areas
A critique exposing voids in the vision, goals, and manner of bioregion formation for MPAs and a network of MPAs.
ESSIM: Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management Plan
A case study of a successful IMCAM plan (ESSIM Plan) lacking leadership for implementation
MAWI’AQNUTMA’TMK – Let us talk together
MAARS Postion Statement to CMAC on Navigable Waters Protection Act – 2010
The Sturgeon’s – Anatomy Poster
The Sturgeon’s – Life Cycle Poster
The Sturgeon’s – Threats Poster